Shannon P. Pratt, a Portland, Oregon appraiser, was one of three persons worldwide to be presented with the American Society of Appraisers' designation in Appraisal Review and Management (ARM). Holders of the ARM designation are credentialed to review others' appraisals, mainly for litigation purposes and lending. The Federal Reserve, the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Controller of the Currency, and the FDIC are increasingly mandating independent reviews of appraisals for loan collateral in light of recent bank failures and in response to the Basel II accord's requirements for capital adequacy. With his new designation, Dr. Pratt is now available to conduct reviews of valuations now required in the banking industry, as well as valuations in complex tax matters and other areas requiring multi-disciplinary valuations.

Others receiving the designation were Hakob Sarkissian of Russia and Chengjun Wang of China. The three are all pioneers in the field of valuation in their respective countries. The ASA described them as "leaders in modern valuation concepts" and "visionaries in the global valuation profession."

Shannon Pratt is CEO of Shannon Pratt Valuations, a nationally recognized firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon. He started appraising businesses in 1969, after teaching in the finance department of Portland State University. Among other degrees and designations, Pratt holds a doctorate in finance from Indiana University, is a Fellow of the American Society of Appraisers, and a Chartered Financial Analyst. With ten books in print (most in multiple editions) he is the most widely quoted author on business valuation in the United States.

Shannon Pratt Valuations has been involved in some of the largest valuations of privately held companies on record. The firm provides the services of report reviews, comprehensive valuation reports, litigation support, fairness and solvency opinions, expert testimony, and arbitrations.

For expert assistance with credit-risk valuation reviews, reports, report reviews, fairness and solvency opinions, allocation of personal and professional goodwill, and expert testimony on marital dissolutions, stockholder disputes, and arbitrations, call Shannon Pratt Valuations, the most respected and authoritative name in business valuation.