Business Valuation

Business Valuations

Business valuation is defined as "the act or process of determining the value of a business enterprise or ownership interest therein." The type of business valuation required on an assignment is contingent on the purpose of the engagement.

Business Valuation Services

Shannon Pratt Business Valuations performs various business valuation services including comprehensive business valuation reports, valuation report review, business valuation expert testimony, fairness opinions and solvency opinions, and arbitration.
Business valuation services are needed for a variety of purposes, including estate and gift taxes, marital dissolutions, mergers and acquisitions, shareholder and partner disputes and appraisal actions, bankruptcy, damages and lost profits actions, and ESOPs. We are also accredited to perform multi-disciplinary valuation reviews required for banks and other lending institutions to comply with international and domestic credit risk regulations.

Valuing Your Business

Every business owner should have his or her business valued by a qualified professional business appraiser at least once every five years and when business circumstances change significantly. This will provide the business owner with a greater understanding of the company's value over time as well as considerably aid the company during critical times, such as the death of an owner, litigation, merger or acquisition, etc.